As new technology progresses, old technology must sunset to make room for the new. This is the case for 3G in 2022. The dates below should remain unchanged because of large FCC penalties if schedules are not maintained.
Ending the 3G network could possibly affect more than just phones, but also cars, home security and even medical devices.
According to the consumer guide at
- AT&T announced that they will finish shutting down its 3G network by February 2022.
- Verizon announced that they will finish shutting down its 3G network by December 31, 2022.
- T-Mobile announced that it will finish shutting down Sprint’s 3G CDMA network by March 31, 2022 and Sprint’s 4G LTE network by June 30, 2022. They also announced it will shut down T-Mobile’s 3G UMTS network by July 1, 2022, but has not yet announced a shutdown date for its 2G network.
Concerns abound whether enough outreach has been made and the depth of the 3G sunset so Telecom is doing its part to spread the word after receiving additional information from the State of Ohio 911 Program Office & Office of Information Technology.
Alternate arrangements need made for organizations that distribute old un-provisioned cell phones for calling 9-1-1 and for citizens who use home medical devices that connect with 3G rather than home WiFi.
Check out this easy-to-understand FCC Consumer Guide
Follow-up questions from consumers should be directed to the carrier or manufacturer of their service/equipment.