Choosing the Best Pool Cue For Your Style of Play

There are several factors to consider when selecting a pool cue. There are several different styles, so determine what type of playstyle you prefer. Some factors to consider include Weight, Low deflection, Soft tip, and more. You can visit poolcueguide websites and read on to determine which style of play suits you best.

Low-deflection pool cues

Many newcomers to the game don’t realize that a low-deflection pool cue will benefit their game. They might think that this cue is more difficult to control, but it can improve your game. Low-deflection cues have hollow tips that will prevent you from making a perfect jump shot. Then again, some low-deflection cues out there have beefier tips that will make your balls spring off with more speed.

Soft tips

A good way to choose the right pool cue for your game style is to pay attention to the tip. Hard tips have more power and will transfer it to the cue ball. On the other hand, soft tips will require extra care to perform well. These tips are a good choice for those who know how to play the game well. For a beginner, a soft tip may be the best choice.

The main differences between soft and hard tips are the material. Choosing a rubber tip will increase the grip on the cue, but they tend to wear out quickly and may become slippery. Fibreglass or bare wood tips do not offer traction. Choose a cue with a medium or hard tip to support your style of play. Soft tips are ideal for players who put a spin on the cue ball.

Hard tips

The hard tip is the most important part of a pool cue because it impacts how the ball reacts to the cue ball. Hard tips can be either leather or phenolic resin. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. For example, the softer tips are better for players with a light style of play, while the harder ones are ideal for people with heavier hands. Although it is important to choose a tip that supports your style of play, this is not an easy task.

The hard tips are the most difficult to handle. If you’re a power player, choosing the hardest tips may not be necessary. Hard tips have the advantage that they will last longer and can be easily replaced. However, the hard tips can easily mushroom, reducing the control of your shots.


The best pool cue for your style of play should be between 18 and 21 ounces. A heavier stick will crush powerful break shots and increase ball travel. However, a heavier stick will amplify errors, and a lighter one will feel more responsive. To decide which weight is best for you, consider your skill level and the length of your arm. If you play competitively, you will most likely want a longer stick.

To find the right weight for you, visit a pool store and try a variety of cues. By trying out the different weights, you will have a better idea of which one is most comfortable and allows you to control the speed and spin of your shots. A cue with the correct weight will feel natural in your hand and enable you to play at your maximum potential. For more precision, select a cue with metal-to-metal threading.


Whether you are an expert or a beginner, choosing the right pool cue can make a big difference in your game. If you are new to the game, you may want to start with a simple yet durable cue. A simple but durable cue will improve your stroke accuracy and feel. This simple pool cue is 100% leather and has a hard rock maple shaft. It is also relatively inexpensive.

New cues should be free of scratches and blemishes. They should feel smooth to the touch, and new ones should be free of visible glue. If you notice glue, it could be an indicator of poor craftsmanship. You should also check whether parts of the cue are smooth and don’t protrude from the basic shape. Small imperfections can indicate larger issues that affect the quality of the cue stick.