What To Do With Your Cracked Iphone Screen?
There is nothing to doubt the fact that iPhones are one of the most popular inventions of the modern era. It is very rare for Apple to fail in amazing you. However, with these smartphones, they have taken their creativity to another level altogether. These models are only getting better with age. Just when you might think that they cannot get any better, they come back and surprise you. It goes without saying that they have got what it takes to turn heads. However, you must also keep in mind that no matter how popular these phones are and how many times they have sold, they do not come cheap. You must take proper care of these products, and iPhone screen repair is an integral part of the same.
The screens are the most prized possessions of these phones. So, when they get cracked, it is natural that people would panic. It basically takes their breath away and the last thing they have in their mind in these cases is iPhone screen repair. If you check social media, you will find various posts where people are moaning about the damage their iPhone screens have suffered.
Does it cost less to repair a broken screen?
As far as the iPhones are concerned, it is tough to choose between iPhone screen repair and replacement. The cheapest way to get the job done is to repair the phone yourself. The replacement screens do not cost a lot of money, and you can say the same thing about the basic repair kits that are needed in these cases.
These iPhone screen repair kits come with specialty tools that are necessary for the safe removal of the screen. However, you must be precise with the movements so that you do not end up causing permanent damage to the phone. You must take certain precautions while handling broken screen display.
AppleCare warranty programme
Are you confident in your skills as a techie? If not, it is better to get the screen replaced. However, for that, you must be covered by the AppleCare warranty programme, and you have to qualify for this programme too.
You need to understand that this is an optional programme that would beef up the standard warranty that comes with such a phone. You would get a maximum of two replacements owing to accidental damage in these cases. So, if the programme does not cover you, you may have to look for specialized iPhone screen repair services.
How much does a new screen cost?
A new screen does not really cost much. However, in that case, you would not get the phone back for 3 weeks from the manufacturer!
If you are not covered by AppleCare, you would have to pay quite a lot of money in deductibles. So, you must shop around a bit before you sign any agreement. You must read the terms and conditions properly too, in these cases. If you are wondering how to find an affordable budget iPhone screen repair company, this is a great way for sure.
The third-party service providers
This is where the third-party service providers can play such a major role by providing you with iPhone screen repairs at decent rates. One of the best things about these service providers is that they can deal with all models and versions of these phones.
Making the most of what you have
If you are eligible to be helped by the AppleCare programme, then by all means you should use it for iPhone screen repair, as it will help you save a lot of money in this context. However, if you are not, you must give these third-party companies a chance as they can get back such damaged screens to their original state. You should not sell your phone straightaway in such circumstances.
What happens when the phone is under warranty?
When your phone is under the warranty period, you can get the screen repaired for free. However, for that, you have to make sure that you take it to a shop or technician who is certified and permitted by Apple to do such work. Otherwise, your warranty would be annulled.
The thing is that Apple permits only selected stores and technicians to do such work. So, this is one of the 7 little tricks to achieve the best results in iPhone screen repair. You might try taking it elsewhere so that you can save some money on the repairs. However, that would end up costing you the warranty. So, the first step that you need to take in this context is to determine if your phone is still under warranty. If yes, you must take it to an Apple-certified store or technician.
What happens when you have iPhone insurance?
Have you bought insurance for the phone by yourself or through the company that sold you the product? In that case, you must try to find out their terms and conditions for iPhone screen repair. Most of these policies cover damages to these screens owing to accidents. Depending on the kind of policy you have, you might need to pay a repair fee and a deductible. However, it would be a lot less than replacing the phone totally. When you buy such a policy, you must find out all its coverage-related terms and conditions before you buy the same.
What happens when you do not have a warranty or insurance?
You may think this is the worst thing that could have happened to you in the context of iPhone screen repair, but this could actually be the best thing. In fact, you are in the best position to get the product repaired because here you get to choose who repairs the product. You can shop around and find the service provider that offers you the best combination of quality and prices. Online reviews are really helpful in choosing the right option in these cases. It would delight you to know that you would find many experts who would repair the damaged screen just as well as the official thing, but at a lot lower cost.
Are you eligible for an upgrade?
Have you used your present iPhone for over 2 years now? In that case, it is time for a new phone, anyway. So, if your iPhone screen has been damaged, you do not have to look for iPhone screen repair services. It would be much better to get a new phone altogether.
Why do you need iPhone screen repairs?
Before you decide as such you must consider iPhone screen repair: the pros and cons. You must know the pitfalls of working with an iPhone whose screen has been broken. The first such reason is that these problems tend to get worse, and rather quickly at that. It may start with a crack at the corner of the screen. You may neglect it initially, thinking that it is no big deal. However, things can change, and that too at the rate of knots. The major reason for this is the fact that every day you use the phone you are putting more stress on it. Even if you are just carrying it in your bag or pocket, you are putting stress on it.
This can cause the cracks to widen and sooner, rather than later, you would have to seek out iPhone screen repair services. With every step that you take, you are putting pressure on the phone. This was especially clear in the Apple iPhone 6, where the screen bent totally at times because of the pressure being exerted on it. A lot of users of the phone also experienced issues with their touchscreens.
If you have damaged your iPhone screen is damaged in any way, it loses the integrity that holds it in one place. Therefore. things get bad at such a rapid rate in these cases.
You can injure yourself as well
This is one more reason you must avail of iPhone screen repair services when the screen gets cracked. Business Insider has stated in a report that on an average a smartphone user touches a screen 2617 times a day. In the case of the top 10% among these, Business Insider has estimated this number at 5400 times a day. This means that there are over 2600 chances in a day that you would cut your finger by touching the exposed glass shards. This is on the first day that the screen is cracked.
You are exposing the phone to the elements
The screen of your smartphone plays a lot of roles apart from acting as a display. It is a hermetic seal of sorts that protects your phone from the likes of foreign objects like moisture, dirt, and dust. So, when your phone screen is cracked, it can harm the phone as such. So, this is a major reason you must get iPhone screen repair services if you have compromised the screen in any way. In fact, just the moisture from the air around you can cause permanent damage to the phone.