MiFi: How to travel with WiFi anywhere in the world

A few weeks ago some guys who had a travel blog in Wix contacted me to see if I could help them to have a more professional website to make money with their trip.

Today, Maeva and Manel de Viajando Nuestra Vida have a WordPress blog with a very specific theme: travel to connect with people through solidarity projects.

When we were working together in their editorial line, I was very struck by a post they had about a “pileup” that they used to have internet anywhere in the world.

This device is called MiFi and it is a best portable Wi-Fi device that serves to get WiFi signal and be able to be online in (almost) any part of the world.

I think it will be very useful for many of us travelers, so I’ll leave you with the experts to tell you about it.

All your guys.

We all want to travel with portable WiFi rental, but when we leave our country we find that we do not have the Internet connection we need, either to get in touch with our relatives, to be able to look for information that allows us to move in the new destination country or simply to use social networks.

We need to look for sites that have free Wi-Fi or pay a data roaming and in this case it is a big expense for our trip.

We had tried different options to have Internet while traveling, but for the road trip to New Zealand we needed a good connection to be able to go a bit on the fly and be able to book or search for information about the places to visit.

We find in MiFi the way the best option to have Internet in our trips and we want to share it with you so that you save the money and the time in looking for more options.

If you are thinking of doing a road trip this will suit you:

   Essential applications for your road trip.

   Useful technology for a road trip.

We use this option because it is what allows us to be connected to the Internet all day and both at the same time around the world and although it is obviously not free, if it is the cheapest and best coverage we have found.

If you are one of those who like to find the best deals you will also be interested in these articles about:

   How to find the cheapest flights from anywhere in the world.

   How to travel without money.

Do you want to know how to have Wi-Fi on your trips in the cheapest way? Well there we go.

A MiFi is a router that acts as a mobile WiFi hotspot.

That is to say, a MiFi device is a pocket WiFi Japan device that, through a SIM card, provides WiFi to other devices that have a wireless connection, such as desktops, smartphones, tablets, laptops, cameras, video game consoles, etc. You can also connect to the Internet via USB to a computer.